How I became the second-best photographer

In the early Spring of 1987 I first saw the gun battery wall, and in the bright sunlight of that day one could count the generations of paint – blue, brown, grey and gold – that were taking turns curling away from the surface holding them in an everloosening grip. The wall facinated me, and […]

How to photograph small objects

In my line of work presenting the highest quality image is key. Start building your website today at Use the offer code ‘Karl’ to get a 10% discount. I’m Karl Taylor and this is my Squarespace. Hi guys. Hope you’re well. I’m just going to run through a couple of recent shoots and some […]

What’s in my Camera Bag for Wedding Photography?

Today we’re gonna talk about what’s in my wedding day camera bag. Now if you’re just getting started and don’t have a lot of gear yet, that’s totally fine. I’m just gonna talk a little bit about what I use currently in my business and some of my favorite pieces. But towards the end of […]

What to Wear for Family Photos

Today I’m going to talk about what to wear for family photos. This is the time of the year when I’m getting text messages like crazy, people sending me photos of possible outfit ideas, and everybody just wanting some reassurance as far as what to wear for family photos because these are things that last […]

Lively Palette Knife Portraits Portray Raw Thoughts

She has looked into the many elements of “appearance” all her existence, by means of artwork, roughs, photography, illustrations and virtual, laptop or computer produced computer animated artwork. It is actually very clear given that artwork is her path and her desire. Francoise Nielly’s piece of art is expressive, showing a brute push, an amazing […]

Francoise Nielly studio

Did you like Francoise Nielly’s paintings? Do you want to buy a portrait painting using this painter? I have no idea if Francoise take on commission job? But in the case she do, i bet the charge are going to be super expensive since most of her artworks are selling $10,000 to $30,000. Therefore, generally, […]

S, M, L, XL, New York

Nelaart Art walk NELAART 2010 Art Walk Office for Metropolitan Architecture, Rem Koolhaas, Bruce Mau, S, M, L, XL, New York: The Monacelli Press, 1995, 1344 pp., ill. b. & w. & col. S, M, L, XL is an anthology of the polemical work of Rem Koolhaas and his Rotterdam-based Office for Metropolitan Architecture that […]